Be the Star

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh – the gifts of the wise men. They followed the Star of Bethlehem to guide them. No GPS. No Siri. It wasn’t an easy journey, but they made it successfully and took their esteemed place in history. Time, talent, and treasure – the gifts your board members have to offer. Board members don’t always know the way. Your role is to be the star that guides them, illuminates their path. The board has a common series of roles and responsibilities: Review [...]


Championship Rings… What Fundraising can Learn from Professional Sports

Every major sport the world over culminates in some form of championship.  Here in North America we have the National Football League that has the Super Bowl.  The National Hockey League awards the Stanley Cup.  Major League Baseball has the World Series and the National Basketball Association claims World Champions (but if you ask me, both of these are misnomers because they don’t really play against the World). It’s widely known that the championship team receives a trophy and that each player on a winning [...]


Take Five… When a Donor Says “No.”

With American City Bureau Vice President, Bob Hotz If you are in the world of fundraising long enough you will eventually, and inevitably, have a donor tell you “no.” It stings. And, if you let it, a “no” can shake your confidence. I spoke with long-time professional fundraiser and ACB Vice President, Bob Hotz, to get his thoughts on how to handle donor rejection. Dan: In your role as school president, board member and campaign consultant, you’ve been involved in a lot of major gift [...]
